Drone Protesters Walk Free

Submitted by John Amidon on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 11:08
Drone Protesters Walk Free

An Important Victory for All US Citizens!

"In the Interest of Justice" All Charges Are Dismissed

June 14, 2012 Town Court of DeWitt, NY

 On behalf of the Town of DeWitt, Attorney Donald Doerr made a motion for dismissal of all charges "in the Interest of Justice", against the Hancock 33. Judge David Gideon accepted the motion and dismissed the charges against the defendants and sealed the records. 


The Hancock 33 are part group of concerned citizens from upstate NY who are unwilling to be complicit with US government war crimes in the form of drone war fare, illegal assassinations, the killing of innocent civilians, signature assassinations and President Obama's infamous "Kill List". In addition they are concerned with the growing use of illegal surveillance of US Citizens and the erosion of civil liberties within the United States.


They were arrested on April 22, 2012 in a preemptive political arrest for parading without a permit. The entire group of 50 individuals were originally ambushed and placed under arrest by Onondaga County sheriffs as protesters walked single file alongside the road to the base. They were on their way to serve an indictment to the base commander.


As this group would later learn, members of the USAF from Hancock Airfield met with NYS Troopers and the Onondaga Sheriffs Department at least one time a week earlier to plan the arrests.


Among this group were several U.S. military veterans and members of Veterans for Peace including, Elliot Adams, Army, John Amidon, USMC and Russell Brown, USMC Among others arrested was Ed Kinane, a member of the Syracuse Peace Council and also a member of Veterans for Peace.


The Hancock 33 are determined to proceed with a civil lawsuit against the Town of DeWitt to protect First Amendment Rights for all US citizens including the right to assemble and to petition their government with grievances. Members of this group will continue to bring attention to the war crimes committed by drone operators at Hancock Airfield, Creech Air Force Base and other US government installations. Elliot Adams former VFP president said, The motion to dismiss and subsequent dismissal is their admission of guilt.For more information about drone resistance please go to: http://upstatedroneaction.org/index.html


For immediate information, contact:

 Elliot Adams 518-441-2697

John Amidon 518-312-6442

Ed Kinane 315-478-4571

Russell Brown 716-570-5200