2013 Tom Paine Winter Soldier Peace and Justice Awards Dinner

You are invited to attend the Annual Tom Paine Winter Soldier Peace and Justice Awards Dinner, sponsored by Veterans For Peace (Chapter 10, Albany, NY), on October, 29th, 2013.  Maureen Aumand, Kathy Manley and The Sanctuary for Independent Media will be honored this year for the their outstanding work in the field of peace and justice in the Capital District.  Shadowland (www.shadowlandband.com) one of the Northeast's most popular bands will be entertaining us too.  Bio's and pictures below.

The awards dinner will be held at the Latham Fire House Banquet room, 226 Old Loudon Rd. in Latham, NY,12110, 5:45 PM Cash Bar followed by dinner at 7 PM & awards ceremony at 8 PM.   

The cost of the dinner is $29.95. Pre-registration is required by October 20. Please make your check out to "Veterans For Peace and mail your check along with your dinner selection of Stuffed Chicken, Roast Beef or Vegetable Lasagna written on the memo line of your check to: Dan Wilcox, 280 S. Main Avenue, Albany, NY 12208

If you have any questions please call or email Dan.

 email:  dwlcx@earthlink.net   Phone: 518-482-0262

 Please have your reservations in by Oct. 20, 2013

Maureen Baillargeon Aumand spent 39 years as an educator and now enjoys the privilege of being a full time grandmother. She takes great joy in working to support the initiatives of the truly inspiring community of activist concern which abounds around us. She is moved and motivated particularly by the thoughtful and creative work of Women Against War. She believes that true transformation will come through powerful interconnection of issues, ideas and individuals and so she is happy to help in the effort to bring ideas and activists together. In conjunction with this, Maureen works annually in support of the Fonda Peace Conference.  Maureen also believes that engaging the media is important for its capacity to provide an expanded platform in the effort to cut through the apathy and ignorance which foster militarism and war.




 Kathy Manley as an associate at Kindlon Shanks, Kathy Manley’s main emphasis is criminal defense and constitutional rights. She concentrates on appeals and motions, and for many years has represented Yassin Aref, the local imam who was unfairly entrapped in an FBI sting operation. She also has represented many protestors engaging in civil disobedience, including a lot of Occupy Albany people,  and several peace activists.

A long time peace and justice advocate, Kathy volunteers with many civil rights groups, including the Muslim Solidarity Committee, National Lawyers Guild, Project SALAM, and the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms, where she serves as the Chair of the Legal Committee. She is also the Vice President of the Albany chapter of the New York Civil Liberties Union.




The Sanctuary for Independent Media  "Celebrating the end of "Uptown Summer 2013" with members of the Summer Youth Employment program, Sanctuary volunteers, and the Mayor of Troy.                  

The Sanctuary for Independent Media is a telecommunications production facility dedicated to community media arts, located in an historic former church at 3361 6th Avenue in north Troy, NY. The Sanctuary hosts screening, production and performance facilities, training in media production and a meeting space for artists, activists and independent media makers of all kinds.

The Sanctuary for Independent Media was started in 2005 by members of the Hudson Mohawk Independent Media Center. Under the direction of Steve Pierce and Branda Miller with the aid of numerous community vounteers, The Sanctuary has changed the dynamics of a poor neighborhood in North Troy, bringing a wide variety of cultural and political  programs along with the development of the community parks and gardens. The award will be received by Steve Pierce, Branda Miller and other Sanctuary volunteers.

Shadowland - www.shadowlandband.com "Amy Collins, Mark Emanatian, Tom Dolan, and John Cromie play Celtic-American-Roots music. Always a good time, they play a lively mixture of originals and much-loved favorites served up in a truly unique manner. Bluesy, Rootsy, Folky, Celticy.... Something for everyone.

Terrific harmonies, killer guitar licks, and pounding rhythms combine with powerful lyrics to make Shadowland one of the Northeast's most popular bands." To learn more and hear Shadowland play please go to http://www.shadowlandband.com .